Worrying about the world's affairs is completely useless. It's all for nothing really. We go about worrying about every little political aspect of the world, and no matter what we do, nothing will really happen. The agenda of the world is not for us to choose. Not to be a pessimist, but as the world (seems) to be descending towards chaos, all we can really do is try to enjoy life itself.
We can go about thinking about every little thing. "Oh My God, ISIS is going to screw up the world." "For heaven's sake, the situation between Russia and USA is getting worse by the day." We can sit alone at night, wondering how it'll all play out, that's true. But, can we sit around wondering what we can do about it? No. Basically, if one doesn't have that needed power, there's no need to think about anything beyond one's control. If one keeps doing that, he'll only lead himself to further negative thinking. And honestly, I've had my share of negative thinking. And after all the assumptions and realizations I've had about the world, I really don't care anymore. It's not the idea of being nihilistic, but rather of acceptance.
Okay, ISIS is messing things up. What are we going to do? Stand up atop a pedestal of fate and shout out to them, "Hey! What?! Please, chill out. There's no need for world conquest. People just want to get on with their lives." Unfortunately, the world is losing understanding more by the day. So trying to use understanding is like trying to construct an artistic masterpiece with no tools. I say, let it slide.
Maybe the only thing we can so is hold on to prayer. And in prayer, one needs to learn to perform action as well. Prayer is action; or, prayer is words based on action. We just carry on through this breeze of life, knowing that maybe the dream of people like Bob Marley will play out. I don't know. The main problems that are caused by the world, and in my own life, is that sometimes we take things too seriously. When that happens, people develop these over exaggerated dreams about the future, thinking that they know exactly what the world needs. And thus is the case with ISIS.
Trying to solve the world's problems is like trying to build a hotel by the use of only your hands. We need other people to do the job. Basically thinking about how the world is or isn't going to end or go to disaster, is pointless. Who knows? Maybe just our presence, of being happy, relaxed, and optimistic, will somehow alter the divine structure of the Earth's magnetic field to the world's favor. And for people who are wondering about what the hell that means, there are many, many sources of knowledge and information, pointing out to the fact that we are all, somehow and in some way, connected.
People who assumed that they were able to solve the world's problems, decided that they needed to construct a Utopian world, where everyone always lives in peace. Unfortunately, the dark side to such an equation would be that all those who don't abide by the rules of such a 'Utopian' system would die in the most gruesome ways possible. Everything goes on completely well in such a world, and everyone appears as an angel, until someone breaks a single rule. And then everyone turns into a non relenting demons.
Politics keep changing. It's like a grocery store. Everyday, there is a new batch of vegetables. One day things may going to complete disaster, and the next, the leaders get along like in fairy tales.
It's not being selfish to not care about the world. It's being realistic. It's being normal. Just care about how you can achieve a better life. It's not apathy. Again, it's acceptance. For so many nights of my life, I wondered how I can solve things. But all that was really happening, was that I was thinking while staring at the ceiling at night. Life is too short to be dreaming of doing things we can't do.
Even though love is the only solution to everything, evil will always exist. Even though the entire world was filled with love, it takes one evil man to mess everything up. And although we all wanted a world filled with love, everyone who preaches love ends up shot in an alley way. So just spread love in whatever ways you can, but don't go out trying to change things. Just love your family and friends, and that's all that really matters.
In short, the evil in the world will never be eradicated. It has existed since the dawn of mankind, and before it. So all we can learn to do is deal with it. We carry on, doing whatever good we can, and whatever we can't do, we throw out the window. Keeping a filter in the brain is important. Throw out the garbage, and keep in the needful. Keep what we can actually use. Throw out what is out of our control.
Of course, we can raise awareness. We can let people know what's going on. But we can't make judgments about what the world needs. If we have this idea of how the world should be, there will always be at least one person who would throw what we said in the trash. On the other hand, we can be politicians, and try to pull strings here and there. But being a politician is a long process which needs to meet certain standards. Not everyone can be a politician, and thus, not everyone can alter things. Basically, being negative is dreaming about doing and achieving things which can't be done. Who knows? Maybe we can do it. But, that'll only happen on a small scale. Usually, negativity comes upon someone who dreams of being in world he isn't in. And, when he/she tries to achieve that wanted world, and ends up failing a kazillion times, that leads to further negativity. Being positive is realizing one's limits. We should go out and experience the world. We can't go on thinking about how it should be. We should live it.