Whenever we reflect back on our lives with a grudge, every new day becomes a nightmare. We keep remembering all the times when someone has done us wrong, and then we go into a cycle of endless hatred. Hatred, although it may seem necessary sometimes, can lead to the demise of a soul and spirit. It is what drives us to the destructive ideas of vengeance and violence. Besides hatred, there is jealousy, envy, and wishing ill upon others. Although doing such things may bring you some sort of contentment, it still also brings darkness upon your emotion and desire to improve. The two things that could heal this are:
Forgiving And Letting Go:
There are some people who we are REALLY pissed off at. Sometimes we may even lay awake at night, holding this grudge towards them. The thought of that person never leaves us. Yet, we can always learn to let go. It is hard, that's true, but not impossible. Holding a grudge is like holding a knife at the back of your throat. There are some days when removing that knife seems impossible, and we continue to wish ill upon that person. But forgiving that person, no matter what he/she has done to you, is the only thing that will help you move forward. Not forgiving keeps you trapped in the same situation. Nothing will get better, nothing at all. Forgiving means saying to that person, "you know what? You destroyed my life. But that was before. Now, I am a new person. Because of you, I have been made stronger!"
Many times, the memory of that person or being never leaves us. He/she remains ingrained in our thoughts, and everything seems to shine their reflection. Yet that is mainly because we refuse to forgive. Forgiving is not only to ease the troubles of that person who has wronged us, but also to remove that pain from us ourselves! In my case, there were MANY people who have wronged me. And I myself have wronged others. And in those times in which I've wronged others, I did whatever I can to apologize. Sometimes we lose sight of what's right or wise and end up doing stupid things. And that is also the case with those people who have wronged you. Without forgiveness, everyone on Earth would be dead by now. That is true! Why? Because if everyone sought vengeance from all those who have wronged them, then blood would run free on the streets.
Forgiving is not only something which relates to deeper emotions. It can be related to the very small things in life. This could be related to when someone says sorry when he/she accidentally bumps into another on the street. If that person didn't say sorry, and gave him/her that evil look, then the other person would feel crappy for the rest of the day!
Forgiving is what allows the possibility of peace.
On the other hand, we have letting go. Letting go is basically the process when every nerve in our body just gives in to the surroundings. But that could never happen unless we forgive first. Holding grudges is what keeps our nervous system always alert, sometimes even thirsting for trouble. The moment we forgive, we are able to let go. And letting go is the most beautiful gift anyone can achieve. It means unloading one self from all the negativity existing within oneself.
Sometimes the negativity in us goes on and on. It swirls in our minds like a never ending cycle. Although, when one forgives, he is able to let go. And when one lets go, he is able to face the world again, as a new person. Letting go basically means being born again into a newer human being. A human whereby you aren't limited by the negative emotion of hatred, in which you can go throughout your days, knowing you have conquered something. You have conquered the essence of your own spirit.
There are other times when we just look at the night sky, and begin to wonder where everything went wrong. But that's mainly because we've been so hurt by people we've met, and we begin to feel as though we're descending while they're ascending. The key to this problem, is to not care! We have been given a life to live, regardless of all the hatred and darkness within us. It is possible to move beyond that point of grief and misery. Although, the greatest tool one may harness, is that of perseverance. What happens today may not happen tomorrow. The darkness of yesterday can be soothed the light of tomorrow's sun.
Forgiving leads to letting go; And letting go leads to the healing of oneself.
Many times, the memory of that person or being never leaves us. He/she remains ingrained in our thoughts, and everything seems to shine their reflection. Yet that is mainly because we refuse to forgive. Forgiving is not only to ease the troubles of that person who has wronged us, but also to remove that pain from us ourselves! In my case, there were MANY people who have wronged me. And I myself have wronged others. And in those times in which I've wronged others, I did whatever I can to apologize. Sometimes we lose sight of what's right or wise and end up doing stupid things. And that is also the case with those people who have wronged you. Without forgiveness, everyone on Earth would be dead by now. That is true! Why? Because if everyone sought vengeance from all those who have wronged them, then blood would run free on the streets.
Forgiving is not only something which relates to deeper emotions. It can be related to the very small things in life. This could be related to when someone says sorry when he/she accidentally bumps into another on the street. If that person didn't say sorry, and gave him/her that evil look, then the other person would feel crappy for the rest of the day!
Forgiving is what allows the possibility of peace.
On the other hand, we have letting go. Letting go is basically the process when every nerve in our body just gives in to the surroundings. But that could never happen unless we forgive first. Holding grudges is what keeps our nervous system always alert, sometimes even thirsting for trouble. The moment we forgive, we are able to let go. And letting go is the most beautiful gift anyone can achieve. It means unloading one self from all the negativity existing within oneself.
Sometimes the negativity in us goes on and on. It swirls in our minds like a never ending cycle. Although, when one forgives, he is able to let go. And when one lets go, he is able to face the world again, as a new person. Letting go basically means being born again into a newer human being. A human whereby you aren't limited by the negative emotion of hatred, in which you can go throughout your days, knowing you have conquered something. You have conquered the essence of your own spirit.
There are other times when we just look at the night sky, and begin to wonder where everything went wrong. But that's mainly because we've been so hurt by people we've met, and we begin to feel as though we're descending while they're ascending. The key to this problem, is to not care! We have been given a life to live, regardless of all the hatred and darkness within us. It is possible to move beyond that point of grief and misery. Although, the greatest tool one may harness, is that of perseverance. What happens today may not happen tomorrow. The darkness of yesterday can be soothed the light of tomorrow's sun.
Forgiving leads to letting go; And letting go leads to the healing of oneself.
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