
Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Why Only The Present Matters

The greatest truth, is that the present is all that matters. 

The present is when any difference can be made. This very second, technically, is all that exists. I find it quite impossible to even prove the existence of the future or the past. The only thing we can prove to spatially exist is what we sense at this moment. You ought to think of the past and future as only mirages and illusions. Sure, it seems as though they exist. But concretely, do they really? And even though they did, would they matter?

The Past:

The past consists of all memories, good and bad. Of course, there is nothing wrong with the good memories. Remembering what good happened in our lives, is definitely a beautiful nostalgic experience. Yet unfortunately, the past also includes everything horrid that happened in our lives. It consists of all our failures, regrets, and sometimes even, traumatic memories. Although remembering the good parts of the past may be spiritually satisfying, it is the bad memories you should be worried about. When you weigh out the pros and cons of both the good and bad memories, the cons of the bad memories outweigh the pros of the good ones. At least, for many people, it is that way. Why is that true though? Because there is a con in the remembrance of the past that outweighs all pros:

The Past Doesn't Matter. It Never Accomplishes Anything For Us. The Past Is A Prison. The Remembrance Of The Past Won't Get Us Anywhere.It Keeps Us Away From The Only Time A Difference Can Be Made: The Present.

The Future:

On the other hand, we have the future. There is nothing wrong with imagining what the future can be like for us, provided that we put in all the hard work. It consists of everything we dream of accomplishing. In a general sense, there is nothing wrong with that, right? Is there nothing wrong with dreaming about achievements in the future? Wrong Again! Although there is nothing wrong with setting goals for the future, it is still very stifling. Why? It's because many people set SO many goals for the future, that they lose hold of the present. You place dream after dream projected into the future, wishing and daydreaming about them throughout the whole day. And while you dream about them the whole day, you don't get anything done! Why? Because the only time we can get anywhere, is in the present. So:

The Future Doesn't Matter. It Is A Mirage Of Dreams And Expectations. There's No Need To Worry About It, As It Will Come Soon Enough, As Einstein Said. The Future Is An Illusion Thrown From The Present To The Time Ahead.It Will Elude Us From The Only Time We Can Achieve Anything: The Present. 

The Present:

Finally, we come to the present. This is the golden prize of all things made possible. Now, it is understandable that the future and the past become SO compelling for us to think about. Sometimes, whenever there is some leisure moment in your life, you drift off either ahead or backward. There is a solution for this. Live day to day. Pretend that you are in the cage of today. Pretend that your whole life is confined to today. I'm not going to say 'this moment', because it's kind of hard to ALWAYS keep your attention on this specific moment. To make it more doable, keep all your attention to the current day in which you are living. Say the following phrases to yourself:

1) Today is the only day which my mind is set to. I am trapped in today. My mind will not venture to tomorrow or yesterday.2) That being said, what are the tasks which I have to perform today?3) What are the things I can do today, which is the only day that really exists? What can I do today, that can bring me closer to my goals, even though I get just a bit closer?

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