
Saturday, 7 March 2015

How Can We Receive What We Deserve?

We live in a world where everyone takes. Many of us don't want to give. Yet no one can be blamed. This is the kind of a world we were raised in, a consumerist society. Everywhere we look, we see corporation after corporation of buildings and skyscrapers which all have the same main goal, to lure customers into buying. There is nothing wrong with that. Although, as a humanity, we seem to have forgotten that the only way to receive something worth having, is by being totally selfless, in the process of giving.

It's something about giving, that immediately offers you something in return. That something, is a deeper sense of happiness that can't really be explained. The universe itself, almost, returns the favor immediately, by putting this idea in your head: "You know what? I've made a difference." So many people these days are living on welfare, or sometimes unfortunately, begging on the streets. They were never to blame, and neither are we. There has always been this saying that "Love can change the world." It was never the case that we are greedy in nature, no. The society and surroundings in which we are placed, sort of conditions us to be so.

The Two Mindsets Are That Of Taking And Giving

The Mindset Of Taking:

Let's say there is someone named Harry. All Harry ever wanted was to succeed. He would do whatever it takes to be above others, only for the sake of one day, standing atop his owned building and company, to feel higher than the rest of man. In the process of doing so, he was always willing to leech on others in the process, as though they were stepping stones, and in the process of shoving people below him, he arose in social ranks. Even though he was getting everything he could have wanted, he still felt this negative swarm of energy inside him. He couldn't understand it. Why was he feeling pain? He got everything he wanted!

This could be explained that all humans are connected. Not necessarily telepathically, but in the sense that our interactions defines us as a human race. If everyone acts only with the mindset of self-preservation (which really is the Devil's favorite mode of thinking and mindset!), humanity itself disconnects from one another. Everyone begins only to think for himself. And thus the whole idea of a Darwinian society be puts into place. I'm not saying that evolution isn't true. But the side of the Darwinian ideology that will be true, is that everyone adapts the mindset of 'survival of the fittest'. Even though there are aspects of us that are similar to animals, in the end, there are SO many qualities of human beings that are SO different from animal behavior. There has always been something deeply distinct in humans. It's the ability of imagination and transcending our own reality. Yet sometimes, imagination can be dangerous. It can be used as a means to imagining how one's life can be more successful, higher, and triumphant over other humans. Although, the one true thing that connects humans, is giving. Why? Because giving expresses love.

Harry gets everything he wanted. He gets that high status job, and achieves everything he wanted to be. But in the process of doing so, there are so many times he's lied. There are so many times in which he had to deceive person after person, for the result of getting what he wanted. So many people hated him for that, and began to express enmity towards him, for his lack of humanity. He had all the money, and better yet, the fame. While in his office on that high ranking building, even though he had enough money to supply him for two of his own lifetimes, he still feels this deepened sense of sadness. The riches of a thousand men is in his hands, and still he has nightmares every night before he sleeps. Why? Because his memory haunts him. His memory reminds him of every single time, he had to trick others, to lure other people to their demise, only so that he could gain all the rewards and wealth he would've dreamed of. And in the end, even though he gained every single worldly achievement, when he was on his death bed, he had never felt so lonely in his entire life.

The mindset of giving:

Now let's say there's a person named Tony. Tony never had much in his life. Yet whenever he'd go to sleep at night, he'd have the best dreams ever. Paulo Coelho said that dreams are the language of God. Maybe that was God's way of telling him, "I am pleased with you. You are a good man." Whenever Tony would have any a lot of wealth, the first thing he would do is go to the nearest trusted charity company, and give all that he has in excess. He knew that in this great world, he was insignificant, and not helping others would just mean that he was full of pride, ego, and self-importance. Always a kind man, he got hurt the most. It's always true that those who are good and virtuous get hurt the most, because whenever someone would speak ill of them, they would respond with silence. Yet even though such people get hurt, this kind of hurt is natural to them. They know that getting hurt in such situations is just another way of getting closer to the universe and/or God. 

Tony never had much. He was a poor man when it came to wealth. But when it came to spiritual riches, he was full of them. Self-preservation was always the last of his goals. There was this ancient wisdom, that those who are in a state of nothingness, are actually closer to God. Humility and moderation separate he who is good from he who is evil. Even though he didn't have all the treasures and money he may have wanted, still, whenever he would go to the beach and watch the water waves crashing by the shore, he knew that he had found himself. Despite the fact that he was hungry at that time, his mind was satisfied. The only memories he had in his mind, were the countless memories of him giving, supporting, and expressing love to his fellow human beings. He never did any of those things for the reward of Heaven in the afterlife, no. Rather, he did all of those things because in the process of giving, he was able to build his own Heaven here on Earth. 

In the process of giving, Tony realized that he received everything his soul needed, rather than what his physical desires wanted. He attained what we would come to know, as Nirvana. Although his job didn't allow him to own the latest fancy car, or to own the most vast mansions, he realizes that he had already achieved everything he'd ever wanted: Spiritual Peace and Enlightenment. Why? Because his whole life consisted of getting anything he worked for, and thus deserved, and then, giving everything he had to the rest of his fellow human beings. On his death bed, his family and friends greet him with open hearts, and keep reminding him that while he's gone, they're going to take care of one another, and spread the legacy of the words of his heart. 

In conclusion, what connects us all is giving. And since giving is the same thing is love, then love is what connects us. The world has gone through enough depression and spiritual demise. Everyone goes around pursuing all the riches of the world, when they forget to attain the riches contained in their souls. It was always something about giving, that immediately gives your soul something in return. It gives your soul substance. It gives everyone around you, a hope for a better tomorrow. 

In order to receive, you have to give.

With love,
John Joy :D

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