Decision making is what separates us from success. Usually when I can't make the right decisions, I go into this sense of misery. It's because I can't see where I'm going. We commit our lives to making a difference in the world, but it all starts with changing ourselves, as Gandhi said. Making a decision is what brings us towards our aspirations. The word 'decide' means to cut off everything in our lives that doesn't please us or make us happy. It means to sever everything in our lives which brings us grief and sorrow. I'm not the happiest man alive, yet I decided to change, and that's the main reason I started this blog. This blog is mainly to document my personal road towards thinking positive. It's a long path, and although it's hard, it's not impossible.
There are so many things in our lives which bring us down. And no matter how much we try to shake them off, we can't. Such things stick to us as though they were a permanent marking on our spirits. We drown further into misery, and we try to get that very needed sense of joy. Deciding is what allows us to pull our selves out of that misery. It is what cuts off everything in our lives that brings us depression, sorrow, etc. It's not easy. And it's definitely not easy growing up in a world where everyone is succeeding and we're not. Yet as Thomas Edison said, with each failure discarded, there's another step towards success. We learn from our failures. Simply put, we fail. And God knows I've failed.
I believe that decision making is so much more than what seems. It doesn't only have to do with the major decisions in life. I believe that in EVERY moment we make a decision. In a single moment we can choose to act or to remain still. Within another moment we can choose to think negatively, or positively. In the next moment we can choose remember the miseries of life, or the joys of it. Sometimes, even though we know we have so much blessings in life, we focus on the negatives, almost involuntarily. This applies to me, and maybe to you. I don't know. All I do know, is that in every moment, there is a decision. There is life on the one hand, and death on the other. There is work on the one hand, or sitting idle and still on the other. There is cherishing life on the one hand, and wishing for death on the other. When we make a decision for life, what happens? We immediately cut off death. It's that simple. Decision cuts off everything we don't want by choosing the things we do want.
Yet much of the times we refuse to make that needed decision. Decisions are scary to make. I bet that in the structures of the brain, the part that makes decisions is linked to the part that signals fear. Sometimes we need to make major life decisions which are vital to our well-being, but the fear remains so strong. There are times when people put off making a needed decision for a VERY long time, until they reach a point when they have no choice but to decide. Deciding was never choosing, it was always cutting off. Decision shapes our destiny. Thus, if we don't decide and cut off everything that's unwanted, we won't find our fate and purpose in this life. I'm starting to learn all of this more and more, day by day. If we aren't able to learn and grow, we aren't in the flow of life. Growing means living. And a part of growing involves deciding what we really want to do in life.
However, some things are really hard to cut off. Some things seem too vital for our survival, and even though those things are bringing us down, we choose to cling on to them. Unless we let go of the things that wear our bodies and spirits into weakness, we can never go strong. Life's handing you so much lemons, but we want to make orange juice. I know that sounds stupid, but that's the way I see it. We can't make a wooden table out of paper. We have to locate those natural resources inside of us, figure out what they are, and put them into action. And throughout the process of acting, we make decisions, thousands of them.
Everyday we make COUNTLESS decisions. Am I going to work for the next three hours, or am I going to sit back and watch two movies? Am I going to eat a load of chocolate bars, or a salad? Am I going to sit on my bed all day long reminiscing on miserable memories, or am I going to go out for a walk? Am I going to take a shower for three hours to forget life, or am I going to face the world, regardless of how hard it is?
It always comes in choices of two. Choose and decide. That's all we need to do. Decide to cut off the unwanted. We should know, that throughout the day, we make more decisions than we think. Yet are they the right ones?
We have to be conscious of our decisions. Despite the fact that we make so many decisions in a single day, sometimes we aren't aware that we made them. Sometimes, we 'just do things'. I believe it's important to be aware of every little decision we make through some sort of meta cognition (To think about our own thoughts). Keep a mind that is fully awake all the time, always busy, and constantly alert to all the little decisions you make. When the mind is aware of all such decisions, we can begin to prosper, as we have taken the right steps and decisions towards building our lives.
There are times I feel as though I'm in some sort of hypnosis, and that my decisions just play out for themselves. In such times, it's as though I seem to make every wrong decision, and due to that, I descend further into sadness. Such times aren't really often anymore, as I feel I'm snapping out of it. But usually when such times arise, I realize that when one has a negative mindset, his decisions also change. Moreover, not only do they change, they also seem to be involuntary. For example, I'd give into vice after vice without even being aware that I'm doing them. Whenever something wrong in my life would happen, I'd give into vices again. One such vice in cigarette smoking. I've cut back a lot so far. I may even quit soon. But the one thing I've learnt is that as soon as I started to be aware of my decisions, I got closer and closer towards being the positive person I've always wanted to be. And it wasn't only about being aware of the decisions, it's also about making them in the first place!
I believe that decision making is so much more than what seems. It doesn't only have to do with the major decisions in life. I believe that in EVERY moment we make a decision. In a single moment we can choose to act or to remain still. Within another moment we can choose to think negatively, or positively. In the next moment we can choose remember the miseries of life, or the joys of it. Sometimes, even though we know we have so much blessings in life, we focus on the negatives, almost involuntarily. This applies to me, and maybe to you. I don't know. All I do know, is that in every moment, there is a decision. There is life on the one hand, and death on the other. There is work on the one hand, or sitting idle and still on the other. There is cherishing life on the one hand, and wishing for death on the other. When we make a decision for life, what happens? We immediately cut off death. It's that simple. Decision cuts off everything we don't want by choosing the things we do want.
Yet much of the times we refuse to make that needed decision. Decisions are scary to make. I bet that in the structures of the brain, the part that makes decisions is linked to the part that signals fear. Sometimes we need to make major life decisions which are vital to our well-being, but the fear remains so strong. There are times when people put off making a needed decision for a VERY long time, until they reach a point when they have no choice but to decide. Deciding was never choosing, it was always cutting off. Decision shapes our destiny. Thus, if we don't decide and cut off everything that's unwanted, we won't find our fate and purpose in this life. I'm starting to learn all of this more and more, day by day. If we aren't able to learn and grow, we aren't in the flow of life. Growing means living. And a part of growing involves deciding what we really want to do in life.
However, some things are really hard to cut off. Some things seem too vital for our survival, and even though those things are bringing us down, we choose to cling on to them. Unless we let go of the things that wear our bodies and spirits into weakness, we can never go strong. Life's handing you so much lemons, but we want to make orange juice. I know that sounds stupid, but that's the way I see it. We can't make a wooden table out of paper. We have to locate those natural resources inside of us, figure out what they are, and put them into action. And throughout the process of acting, we make decisions, thousands of them.
Everyday we make COUNTLESS decisions. Am I going to work for the next three hours, or am I going to sit back and watch two movies? Am I going to eat a load of chocolate bars, or a salad? Am I going to sit on my bed all day long reminiscing on miserable memories, or am I going to go out for a walk? Am I going to take a shower for three hours to forget life, or am I going to face the world, regardless of how hard it is?
It always comes in choices of two. Choose and decide. That's all we need to do. Decide to cut off the unwanted. We should know, that throughout the day, we make more decisions than we think. Yet are they the right ones?
We have to be conscious of our decisions. Despite the fact that we make so many decisions in a single day, sometimes we aren't aware that we made them. Sometimes, we 'just do things'. I believe it's important to be aware of every little decision we make through some sort of meta cognition (To think about our own thoughts). Keep a mind that is fully awake all the time, always busy, and constantly alert to all the little decisions you make. When the mind is aware of all such decisions, we can begin to prosper, as we have taken the right steps and decisions towards building our lives.
There are times I feel as though I'm in some sort of hypnosis, and that my decisions just play out for themselves. In such times, it's as though I seem to make every wrong decision, and due to that, I descend further into sadness. Such times aren't really often anymore, as I feel I'm snapping out of it. But usually when such times arise, I realize that when one has a negative mindset, his decisions also change. Moreover, not only do they change, they also seem to be involuntary. For example, I'd give into vice after vice without even being aware that I'm doing them. Whenever something wrong in my life would happen, I'd give into vices again. One such vice in cigarette smoking. I've cut back a lot so far. I may even quit soon. But the one thing I've learnt is that as soon as I started to be aware of my decisions, I got closer and closer towards being the positive person I've always wanted to be. And it wasn't only about being aware of the decisions, it's also about making them in the first place!
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