
Friday, 6 March 2015

Why Suicide Is Never The Only Way Out

Sometimes, it seems as though suicide is just the only way out. You look for ways upon ways to get out of this mess, but you could just never find a light. When all emotions spell pure negativity, so your actions become negative, and your behavior, and thus your thoughts. There are people out there, that have gone so depressed, that sometimes wherever they look, they imagine ways in which to kill themselves. This is a very serious issue, affecting thousands, if not millions, of lives around the world.

What usually triggers the desire for suicide is not only depression, but also failure in life. Some people are expected to do so many things, and achieve none of those goals. It's as though all those around us are looking at us in a way where they silently say, "You don't belong here." Going through their lives in this mode of self-defeat, they begin to wonder whether life even has value.

But remember what Bob Marley said, "If you know what life is worth, you would look for yours on Earth!"

There are some instances when people would actually begin to plan their suicide. But then they feel trapped because they are afraid of what might happen to the emotions of their families if they decide to end it all. They want to end it, but can't. There is much to risk with suicide. And then they begin to feel fully and utterly trapped in their own body. And without a doubt, that is a horrible feeling.

But there's always a lesson to be learned. It is true that depression is one of the main causes of the desire to suicide. However, the main trigger of depression itself is failure. Failure leads to depression and thus to suicide. Although, if we really think about it, is great success, and absolutely no failure, so incredibly necessary? I don't think so.

To Hell with being successful and famous, making ton loads of money. To Hell with being everything, absolutely, everything you wished to be. Those dreams which project your mind so far into the future, is what's driving you mad. You shouldn't look at the mirror and tell yourself that you're nothing, because you haven't achieved X and Y and Z. Success and major achievements never does bring one happiness. Of course, there are kinds of success which do. However, the kind of successes which are based on day dreaming day in and day out shouldn't be causing you grief, because you can't achieve them. On the contrary, such dreams should make you happy, regardless of whether you achieve them or not. Those dreams weren't put there for you to achieve fame, greatness, respect and loyalty from your 'fans' or 'supporters'. No. The reason God gives us those dreams, is so that when we achieve them, we use the power we obtain from success for the sake of HELPING others! That is the true reason behind all dreams. If you think of it that way, you wouldn't care about the self-gain achieved from reaching your dreams. You would only care about how achieving that dream would allow you to aid others in their lives.

So basically, if the only dreams worth pursuing are those in which you help others, then let that be as a stepping stone for you to look at things differently! Look back at your own life and say, since my main goal is to aid the rest of humanity, then I will go about healing myself. And in that process of healing myself, I will cure others of their depressions and ailments as well!

Suicide is fueled by depression and failure. The main condition of mental health is being able to contribute something to the world. But the moment you realize that the dreams that you should pursue are the ones in which you should offer blessings to others rather than yourself, you will gain realization after realization. We aim way too high, in the hopes that we would gain everything for ourselves, and when we don't achieve the goals, we fall in self-defeat. Who knows? Maybe that's God's way of showing you another path in life. A path of selflessness.

The moment you become completely and fully selfless, is the moment that what you offer to the world, will heal you in return. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you are selfish. I'm not. But what I'm saying, is that the environment and society in which you live in conditioned you to be so. You're not to blame. Everyone keeps telling you to achieve this, to do that, to abide by these and those rules. And then you follow everything they tell you, even though you see no point in it. People push you to do things which will benefit only you. And then when you fail to achieve them, and are not able to get what you yourself want, you begin to blame yourself.

To Hell with achievement and those high prizes and rewards! Who cares? You see, while I'm writing this, knowing that I may be lending a hand to those in need, I, personally, am already feel better! There is a magic in giving. Happiness doesn't come from getting the things you want in the world, so you can own a mountain of gold and money in your backyard. The key to happiness is giving. Giving heals you.

Whenever you feel that suicide is the only way, remember, that failure is natural. Failure is God's way of showing you another path. And things never come easy. God never put us on this world to become the greatest beings who ever lived. He put us in this life to enjoy it, and to help those in need.

Giving something to the world doesn't mean you have to get a Ph.D in medical studies, and inventing a cure for cancer. It's not that at all. Giving is SO simple. Giving is the greatest of all healers. Go up to your mother and give her a hug. Joke around with your little siblings. Go out with friends and enjoy all moments in life.

If failure is bothering you, it's important to know, that all true success comes naturally, while living life! Success can't come while enclosing ourselves to a confined area, and wondering how to get out. Don't EVEN worry about success. It comes on its own. Don't fret over failures. They heal with time. Success comes naturally, through the process of living life, by going out with friends, joking around, giving to charity, going on a road trip with friends, and making those you love smile. When your mind gets used to this mode of perception, you, on your own, will have life itself naturally drive you to success. Instead of you fretting over it, you will be naturally driven towards it.

I know that sometimes suicide may seem so compelling. But you have to learn to be apathetic to failures in your life. Just go with the breeze. Do things that make you happy, without expecting anything in return. Remember, there is no stronger sound, than the voice of perseverance.

Perseverance and patience, will be, no matter what, stronger than all the depression and darkness in the world. They will ALWAYS be stronger. Sometimes you may begin to feel that suicide is the ONLY way out. Well it's NOT! The voice of perseverance will always ring harder. WE WERE MADE TO SURVIVE! We have to push through difficulties, move on, develop new thoughts, and adapt, as best as we can, to changes in our lives.

The greatest truth behind light and darkness in my opinion, is this: There may be an entire room, or hall, which so FILLED with darkness. And then there's a candle in the middle of the room, that lights up with its tiny spark. We may begin to ask, which is stronger? The vast darkness or that tiny light? The answer is simple: The light is stronger! Why? Because darkness contains no energy. Light does. If a candle was in the middle of an infinite space of darkness, the little fire from the candle burns brighter. You must hold on to it with all your strength, until God, or the universe, shows you your destiny and fate. 

Remember, all of what was said here, was merely a supplement to you getting better. If things get REALLY bad with you, there is no shame in seeing a psychiatrist or medical practitioner. Anti depressants tend to really ease one's way out of severe depression. 

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