I believe, deep down, that across the ages, many people have done a service to the world very similar to Jesus. In this world, when things get so negative and full of blight, people stood for good, and were willing to lay down their lives, if it meant it would enrich people's lives.
Bob Marley was one of those people. He never took sides with anyone. Living in light, he always only wanted for man to unite, regardless of religion, race or ethnicity. I know it sounds insane to relate him to Christ. But if we really think of it, can we not say that Jesus was more of a symbol rather than only a human and prophet? Did he not stand for something? Were not his actions, representative of a kind of self-sacrifice, that many people after him have shown, to offer whatever they had for the sake of humanity?
And so their spirits live on, all those who were willing to die, if it meant humanity would benefit. Bob Marley was a brave man. His music still echoes today. Every time I have his CD played in my car, I feel, deep down, that there always has been a light, despite all the darkness of the world. Darkness truly does seem to prevail much these days. And no matter how much one wishes to escape, it seems to be an inescapable reality. Yet perseverance, to me, is the strongest voice in one's mind. It's stronger than all the temptations awaiting by the gates of Hell. It's up to us to choose, will it be light, or dark? Will it be positivity or negativity? Will it be the Angels or Demons? Will it be God, or nothing?
Einstein said something similar to this, "If only I could give you some of my happiness, so that you wouldn't feel pain." Many people throughout the ages stood in true virtue. Greed was never their mode of desire. Giving and giving and giving to others was the only reason they lived. Yet although such great people were full of light, peace and joy, that does not mean they didn't endure suffering. Of course they have!
If they haven't endured suffering, then how would they really want to rid others of it? Since they have suffered a lot in their lives, they chose, at some point in their lives, positivity. And from that, they decided to spread that positivity upon everyone. The realm of human suffering is vast. And it can get deeper and deeper until one begins to lose his mind while walking the streets, depressed and all alone.
Yet there is hope, shining through the darkest nights. It's always there. It never goes. Sure, at some point, we may end up broke. We may end up losing everything. Yet God is watching, and he knows how things are being thrown upon us, all these problems. Although, God is wise. He can't intervene upon everything, for it is all a test. He is wiser than all sages put together. What would be wiser, to aid one whenever he needs help, or to watch him go through sin, and then getting really tired of it, and after that, seek true redemption?
Redemption will always exist. People take their own lives believing that it simply is nonexistent. People kill others because they start to believe that the world is full of evil, and it doesn't matter whether one dies or not. We must, somehow, return our faith in humanity. Being cynical will never aid us. Even though we have to swallow our pride at many points in life, due to the all the pain we go through, and our lack of success, maybe that's God doing us a favor! It's because God knows that pride, although can be good to a certain extent, will open great opportunities for the Devil, causing us to embrace sin with joy for the mere sake of being above others.
Remember, as always, call unto the positive energies of the universe. Ask them, in prayer, to embrace you.
With love. :) :D <3
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