
Saturday, 28 February 2015

How Having A 'Mental Diet' Decreases Negativity

To develop positive thinking, according to Tony Robbins, we have to develop a mental diet. It does sound strange, that's true. What he means by that, though, is that for a course of seven days, we should try our best to have ONLY positive thoughts in our minds. It really does sound tough. How can we avoid all of these negative thoughts? How is it possible, that with all of these negative thoughts in our minds, raging through every day in our brains and neurons, that we can completely prevent them for a course of a whole week?

Here's how Tony Robbins explains it:

Such a great explanation he gives. I highly recommend Tony Robbins to all those going through tough times. He explains that most people become really negative, because they focus on what they don't have rather than on what they do have. Also, and this is the greatest point made by him in my opinion, is that we keep on trying to be perfect. Our thirst for perfection exists most potently in those who think negatively. 

It's great to know, that even the web is filled with such great teachers. All we have to do, is focus on the positive side of the internet. We ARE what we learn. And if we keep going to the 'weird' or 'dark' side of the internet, as soon as we close our laptops, we're going to feel awful for the rest of the day. What we learn, is what we are. What we see and think, is what we are. All we have to do, is to search for different things. If we keep searching for negative things, or that which makes us feel depressed, then we, as people, will remain to be depressed. 

Negative thoughts always multiply. One leads to the next then to the next, until all seems to be damned. And when one accumulates a great deal of negative thoughts, he begins to feel cursed. And so many people around the world, truly believe that they are cursed straight to the core. Sometimes they run the streets at night, staring at the moon, wondering whether life will ever offer them a loving hand, to aid them in their suffering. Yet what that person keeps forgetting, subconsciously, is when the run is over, he goes back home to his family, where all love and sustenance can be provided. The one thing I've learned from negative thoughts, is that they make you forget everything that's already good in your life. Literally, forgetting. And that is why, we have to start remembering. 

Let's ask, for the positive energies of the universe to embrace us, and our beings
So that through infinite darkness and sorrow, there may be a chance to once again have true seeing

With love. :D 

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