
Thursday, 26 March 2015

What Powers Does Decision-Making Have?

Decision making is what separates us from success. Usually when I can't make the right decisions, I go into this sense of misery. It's because I can't see where I'm going. We commit our lives to making a difference in the world, but it all starts with changing ourselves, as Gandhi said. Making a decision is what brings us towards our aspirations. The word 'decide' means to cut off everything in our lives that doesn't please us or make us happy. It means to sever everything in our lives which brings us grief and sorrow. I'm not the happiest man alive, yet I decided to change, and that's the main reason I started this blog. This blog is mainly to document my personal road towards thinking positive. It's a long path, and although it's hard, it's not impossible. 

There are so many things in our lives which bring us down. And no matter how much we try to shake them off, we can't. Such things stick to us as though they were a permanent marking on our spirits. We drown further into misery, and we try to get that very needed sense of joy. Deciding is what allows us to pull our selves out of that misery. It is what cuts off everything in our lives that brings us depression, sorrow, etc. It's not easy. And it's definitely not easy growing up in a world where everyone is succeeding and we're not. Yet as Thomas Edison said, with each failure discarded, there's another step towards success. We learn from our failures. Simply put, we fail. And God knows I've failed.

I believe that decision making is so much more than what seems. It doesn't only have to do with the major decisions in life. I believe that in EVERY moment we make a decision. In a single moment we can choose to act or to remain still. Within another moment we can choose to think negatively, or positively. In the next moment we can choose remember the miseries of life, or the joys of it. Sometimes, even though we know we have so much blessings in life, we focus on the negatives, almost involuntarily. This applies to me, and maybe to you. I don't know. All I do know, is that in every moment, there is a decision. There is life on the one hand, and death on the other. There is work on the one hand, or sitting idle and still on the other. There is cherishing life on the one hand, and wishing for death on the other. When we make a decision for life, what happens? We immediately cut off death. It's that simple. Decision cuts off everything we don't want by choosing the things we do want.

Yet much of the times we refuse to make that needed decision. Decisions are scary to make. I bet that in the structures of the brain, the part that makes decisions is linked to the part that signals fear. Sometimes we need to make major life decisions which are vital to our well-being, but the fear remains so strong. There are times when people put off making a needed decision for a VERY long time, until they reach a point when they have no choice but to decide. Deciding was never choosing, it was always cutting off. Decision shapes our destiny. Thus, if we don't decide and cut off everything that's unwanted, we won't find our fate and purpose in this life. I'm starting to learn all of this more and more, day by day. If we aren't able to learn and grow, we aren't in the flow of life. Growing means living. And a part of growing involves deciding what we really want to do in life.

However, some things are really hard to cut off. Some things seem too vital for our survival, and even though those things are bringing us down, we choose to cling on to them. Unless we let go of the things that wear our bodies and spirits into weakness, we can never go strong. Life's handing you so much lemons, but we want to make orange juice. I know that sounds stupid, but that's the way I see it. We can't make a wooden table out of paper. We have to locate those natural resources inside of us, figure out what they are, and put them into action. And throughout the process of acting, we make decisions, thousands of them.

Everyday we make COUNTLESS decisions. Am I going to work for the next three hours, or am I going to sit back and watch two movies? Am I going to eat a load of chocolate bars, or a salad? Am I going to sit on my bed all day long reminiscing on miserable memories, or am I going to go out for a walk? Am I going to take a shower for three hours to forget life, or am I going to face the world, regardless of how hard it is?

It always comes in choices of two. Choose and decide. That's all we need to do. Decide to cut off the unwanted. We should know, that throughout the day, we make more decisions than we think. Yet are they the right ones?

We have to be conscious of our decisions. Despite the fact that we make so many decisions in a single day, sometimes we aren't aware that we made them. Sometimes, we 'just do things'. I believe it's important to be aware of every little decision we make through some sort of meta cognition (To think about our own thoughts). Keep a mind that is fully awake all the time, always busy, and constantly alert to all the little decisions you make. When the mind is aware of all such decisions, we can begin to prosper, as we have taken the right steps and decisions towards building our lives. 

There are times I feel as though I'm in some sort of hypnosis, and that my decisions just play out for themselves. In such times, it's as though I seem to make every wrong decision, and due to that, I descend further into sadness. Such times aren't really often anymore, as I feel I'm snapping out of it. But usually when such times arise, I realize that when one has a negative mindset, his decisions also change. Moreover, not only do they change, they also seem to be involuntary. For example, I'd give into vice after vice without even being aware that I'm doing them. Whenever something wrong in my life would happen, I'd give into vices again. One such vice in cigarette smoking. I've cut back a lot so far. I may even quit soon. But the one thing I've learnt is that as soon as I started to be aware of my decisions, I got closer and closer towards being the positive person I've always wanted to be. And it wasn't only about being aware of the decisions, it's also about making them in the first place!

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

What Can Rid Us Of Inaction And Idleness?

The Mindset Of Someone Who Places Himself In Inaction:

The world is descending in darkness. Whenever one puts on the TV, all he sees is mayhem. There's no escaping evil, even though thousands of heralds stand atop a mountain and shout truths to the world. 

I used to sit behind the TV, and drown further into the hypnosis of that screen, as it threw disaster after disaster straight towards my eyes. All the while that was happening, I was sitting down, thinking I was doing something, when I wasn't. It's something about learning something, without the element of actual change in our own personal lives, that brings us sorrow; That drives us mad.

Nothing will ever change without truth, yet nobody wants it. And for that reason, everyone goes into a state of nihilism. Nobody cares about anything anymore. It's as though the Devil is on his throne laughing at all of us. He probably already succeeded the throne of God. Although, it's funny that in a world that is filled with darkness, there is still always that deep sense of hope. It's tiny and small, yet it still exists. It's called redemption. Everyone is seeking redemption nowadays. But how can that happen, if everyone else around that person seeks darkness.

Sometimes I walk the streets alone at night around my house, thinking and pondering. Other times I run, while listening to music. I run faster and faster. It's as though I'm running away from something which I can't seem to understand. Maybe it's darkness. Maybe it's the Devil. I don't know. It may be all the stress in my life accumulating over the years, trying to wear me down. There are times when I run so fast, that when I stop, I am barely able to catch my breath. I stop and place my hands on my knees, bowing, staring at the street. I then look up and see a street lamp. I begin to wonder how even an artificial form of light can still shun out some darkness in the world.

Other times I would lay alone at night on bed, staring at the ceiling. And things get darker. Maybe the solution to this is to constantly be in a state of working, to always have the mind busy. It seems that the curse of the world befalls everyone who are placed in inaction. The moment we pause and cease to work, the curse of life befalls us. Yet despite this, sometimes I would have long nights. I wouldn't be able to sleep, and staring at the ceiling, I feel as though my life were going nowhere. But that's the problem again. Keeping ourselves busy is extremely hard, but it's the only way. There are times when we really, really want to get things done, but we just don't, and procrastinate more and more. We delay further and further, with this mad hope inside us that everything will turn out fine. And then we begin to fear the future and mourn the past. The present is all there ever was. Action is all that ever counted. Yet still, sometimes, without realizing it, I fall into a trance at night, staring at the ceiling. 

All of this still happens to me, just not as much. Who knows? Maybe it will get worse again later. But lately, it seems that things are getting better. I'm learning to cope.

This was never about being negative. Sometimes it seems that negativity is the only way. Some people really do try to be positive, but they just can't. Is it a curse? I'm not sure. Maybe it's some sort of hex, or evil wish coming from someone who hates or despises you. It may all be from envy or ill wishes from others. Who knows? All that doesn't matter. I realized that the only thing that mattered, was to get better, no matter what the cost. It was either that, or darkness would have increased and increased. I had to learn to maintain a balance in my mind. We all should do that. I believe that there are seven senses in humans. Five of them we already know. The sixth sense is intuition. And then seventh sense is balance. At least, that's what I think. And then in the end, it all comes down to action; which in turn brings change.

And Then Action Comes In:

The solution is all simple. It has always been simple. Although, it was never easy. If one doesn't choose to make changes, then nothing will change. We want things to change, right? If we want things to change, we need to make changes in our lives. It's that simple. That's the greatest truth.

Yet despite this, many people can't seem to realize this. It's all a part of nature, I guess. The forces of darkness consumes a man, and then he gives into vices. He smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. That man may begin to drink alcohol to forget everything. He may even stand atop a mountain and curse the skies. I know that sounds extreme, but that's what happens sometimes. People get fed up. Yet when one hits rock bottom, he has no choice but to get up. It's either that or moral suicide.

And then we begin to wonder where this rock bottom is. We can never really tell. Rock bottom is far below the point anyone can imagine. It goes lower and lower. Whenever we think we hit rock bottom, it can still go lower. Although, this curse of descending can and always will be broken. Sometimes there's some sort of spell of negativity cast upon people. Even though they want to wake up, they can't. The only thing that can heal this is time; A very long time. In then end, it all comes down to perseverance. And when we persevere enough, we'll realize that change isn't a choice. It becomes OBLIGATORY. It becomes VITAL to survival.

I guess it all depends on what we take in. I used to be a huge fan of Metal Music. The lyrics are just so, so negative! And me already being negative, that music just made things worse and worse. I know that many of us still love that music, and that's fine. But sometimes if one begins to dig himself into the lyrics, it begins to drive him further into the void, darkness and blight. Maybe we should find taste in new things. And that's what I'm starting to do; Listening to happy music. 

A great thing to know, is that even tiny, minute, minuscule changes, can make HUGE differences on the long run. When in the car, instead of putting Metal Music, I started to put Bob Marley. Instead of constantly watching news about the world, reminding us all of how corruption on Earth exists, I stopped watching it. It's always about what you take in. If we kept watching the news, wishing we could change some things, but can't, we'll get even more depressed. I guess all we can do is focus on the things we can actually change, and are in control of. 

Instead of always wondering what I could have been, and all of the high achievements I should be having, I started to focus on the simpler things. I started to focus on making my family happy, making people I love smile. Because in the end, when everything is taken away from us, the only thing that will be left behind are the people we love. We can't have everything we've ever dreamed of. That's not what life is. Life has its way of beating one to his knees to make him humble. And as Einstein said, only when we realize our limits, can we go beyond them. And when I mention this, I mean, REALLY realize our limits.

The inspiration of life exists in all of us. It is the driving force of our dreams. Going towards dreams is difficult, but worth it in the end. It is the one thing keeping our bodies intact. Although the dreams may seem impossible, we have to remember that only our minds defines what is impossible. The world is so much more than just our minds. Yet nothing can come into our lives unless we learn to be positive. Which brings us back to the main problem of many of us: negativity. Sometimes negativity is not in our control. It takes massive, enormous effort to go the other direction. Yet it all pays off in the end, all the effort. All of that effort, although it may seem fruitless in the beginning, will pay off; And in the end, that effort will turn into strength that will guide us through our days.

All in all...

The only way for our lives to change, is to make changes in our lives. That is the only truth worth having.

What That Burning Fire Within Us Is

If only there's some way, to ascend higher, to let go of all the pain in this world. There has to be a way to transcend reality. Although, that may never happen. It's like trying to erase what's in the mind. And that can't happen either. 

If only we can move forward. We all do, that's true. Yet there's always something that holds us back. It's like some sort of voice in our head that keeps telling us to try harder and harder, even though there's a big chance we won't succeed. Although we feel we won't succeed, we still try, and that's what makes us stronger. 

It's something about failing that makes us stronger. If we succeeded the first time we tried, then we wouldn't be human. If we succeeded the first time we tried, we wouldn't even be mentally ready for that success. And because of that, we keep pushing forward, as though there's a light at the end of the tunnel. And there is, I know it. We all know it. We sense it. It's hovering at the end of the tunnel. 

Sometimes we descend further and further down. It's like a downward spiral. Yet there's some sort of paradox to it. As we descend in one way, we ascend in another. When we descend in pain, we also ascend in strength. Humans are born very, very weak. It seems that anything would shake us. I guess it's all merely a test from God. 

The Devil's plan is to destroy one's life. His plan is to have us wandering through the nights with lost minds. And he'll never stop executing his plan. Regardless of whether he has horns and a face, the Devil can merely represent the darkness inside us. It can mean many things. And darkness seems to be winning these days. 

Yet hope, although sometimes delusional, is always there. It is the source of our greatest strength. Even at the gates of hell, hope is still there. Despite the fact hope can drive us mad sometimes, at least it keeps us alive. If hope never existed, then suicide rates would be far higher. We push on and push on, knowing that redemption shines bright. And in the end, we will reach it. Yet sometimes it seems that we'll never reach it, and then we give in. However, even with those thoughts of hopelessness, at least light still exists. Even if redemption isn't there, at least light exists. 

Light exists with every rising sun. It reminds us that every day we are reborn into a new world. With its shine and brightness, we become ready to face the world again, even though the days are in repeat, like Groundhog Day. We persevere and persevere, with bodies that may be worn and tired, feeling that strength building, and that fire within us burning strong. It will always burn strong, for it is the spirit of God inside us.

Friday, 20 March 2015

The Right Mindset For Exercising

Exercise helps us more than we know. It is much more than just losing weight and being physically healthy. It is, in my opinion, a form of catharsis and dynamic meditation. Yet many of us refuse to take that first step to exercise. It's a very hard step to take. Exercise seems like that last thing we'd ever do.

All over the net, people advise us to exercise. But many of us don't heed the advice. It is understandable. Sometimes negativity is too great, and we begin to feel, "Why should we? It's not like things are going to get any better." Well, that's not true. As I said before, it's impossible for there to be total darkness. There is always a light. Darkness and light need one another to survive. We begin to feel, sometimes, that improvement may not be the answer, as all hope is gone. And then we sink deeper into darkness and hopelessness. Yet when we hit rock bottom, really hit rock bottom, we snap out of our trances and say, "I really need to GET MYSELF TOGETHER!"

For All Those Who Think Exercise Is Too Physically Demanding:

Exercising Just Once

Whenever someone begins to think of exercise, he/she sees a long, long road of physical pain ahead of them. He/she begins to think, "Oh my God, I'm going to have to wear my body down, lift endless weights, run marathons on a treadmill, for what? To get a healthier body? To feel better? Is the only way to feel better is that I have to exercise and strain my muscles and feet to failure?" We shouldn't look at it like that! All we have to do, is exercise JUST ONCE, and right after that exercise, we'll already feel better. Forget about the 'long road'. Forget about the future. If you feel awful, just say, "You know what? I don't care about the long road ahead. I'm just going to exercise once today, and see what happens from there."

The thing about us humans, is that whenever we think of developing a healthy habit, we directly imagine the sacrifices we're going to make. 

"Oh my God, I'm going to have to jog everyday."

"Oh my God, I'm going to have to go ALL the way to the Gym, and keep going there, in order to feel healthy."

This is not us being lazy. This is just our minds looking to far ahead, and then, before even starting, become uncommitted. I say, forget about being committed, and about all those imaginations. Just think about exercising just once. Just once. And then when we do it, your thoughts afterwards will immediately be different from before. We'll start to think, "Hey, that wasn't that bad. I already feel so much better." Hold on to that thought! Keep it with you for the next day, and then repeat the process. Don't think about LONG hours in the gym, or countless times running outside in the cold, just for the sake of having better health. Think of doing it just once, for the sake of feeling better in this current day. 

The Days To Come:

When the next day comes, we'll say, I'm going to exercise again, just once. Never imagine or predict a future ahead. Usually whenever people want to start going to the gym, they don't even start! Why? Because they're afraid of being committed, to have to keep going again and again. That's the wrong mindset. Many of us feel very awful a lot of the time. Life sometimes gets darker, and we really want things to get better, but everything that makes us feel better needs so much work. Whenever it comes to doing healthy things to boost physical and mental health, just think of doing it once today, then once tomorrow, and so on. All you need are those instant, tiny results. Why? Because those little results will boost our minds, and change our outlook on life, even though it's just a little. And from there, we'll plan to exercise once more tomorrow. And so forth. 

Exercise is a form of dynamic meditation. It is the best form of meditation, actually. It takes us out of our minds, even though for ten minutes a day. We NEED that. It doesn't really matter if you smoke or drink. It's okay to have vices while you exercise. You can't delete a habit and go to the next. You can ONLY replace habits. Don't say, "Oh my God, now I have to stop smoking to exercise." Don't worry about leaving any of such vices just yet. Those vices will NATURALLY leave you as you go deeper into exercise and eating healthy. You can't quit then find another method. You can only let the next habit slowly dissolve the previous one. 

Start small. Begin with aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is my favorite. Run laps around your neighborhood for the first exercise. Do this for two weeks. And gradually, you'll develop into more sophisticated forms of exercise. Remember, all we have to worry about, is doing it just once, to just start. Keep that mindset. Don't wander off into imagining a future full of sweat and physical agony. This is for your physical, mental and spiritual health. Who cares about looking like the perfect person?!

If we are able to follow through with this for JUST 21 days, we'll transform our lives. I read in a book by Robin Sharma, that if you maintain doing something for just 21 days, it will develop into a long-term habit. And then you wouldn't need to put any mental effort into getting up and exercising. You would just do it instinctively!

Exercising Is Exorcising As Well:

There's a saying from this metal band I used to listen to, back when my days were pretty dark. It's Parkway Drive. The vocalist shouts, "The Devil dances in idle minds!" When we carry bodies that are used to inaction, our minds being to think rapidly. Yet when it thinks rapidly, it begins to wear down because of the mental strain of having so many thoughts. And thus, we develop idle, still minds. When we exercise, we are able to move our whole bodies, so that the thinking part of our minds won't be used for the time we're exercising. It's as though thoughts are no longer there, even if for ten minutes (of the exercise). In other words, when the body is inactive, the mind thinks too much then wears down and becomes still; And when the body is active, the mind becomes relaxed, and will have much more space for peaceful and joyful thoughts.

Take the first step!

Sunday, 15 March 2015

How Getting Busy Conquers Worry

Conquering worry is simple, but never easy.

So many people before us have always left the stepping stones to conquer worry. Worry has the ability not only to drive one's life into the ground, it also has the power to even disable you! Some people get so worried, that all positive energies are drained out of them, and then they don't even have the energy to get up in the morning. A lot of us usually complain that getting out of bed is pretty much the hardest thing of all. It's all because of a lethargy caused by incessant worry. The reason for that is, the night before we wake up, we ponder upon everything that could ruin our lives in the future. There is a solution to worry, simple yet difficult:


Getting busy is probably the cheapest yet most effective medicine to worry and misery. Worry and misery are very closely connected. When one worries, he becomes miserable, put simply. All of us always have those moments in our lives when we worry about EVERYTHING that can go wrong. The impact of such a thoughts cycle can have one's mind go on in circles and circles. The downward spiral of such a thinking pattern may even lead up to one's suicide. It's true! I know that sounds dramatic, but it is true. Sometimes worry gets so intense, that it sparks up our imagination towards everything that could possibly go wrong, which all may never happen. Worry has a simultaneous ability to appear both SO REAL, yet at the same time, to be a COMPLETE illusion! What is the solution to such a self-destructive emotion?


Worry mainly has to do with the subconscious. It consists of all the thoughts in the subconscious which manifest as 'what-if' imaginations, all showing you the illusory path to your doom. That's what worry can be classified as: Your subconscious just trying to get a piece of your life. When worry goes to extreme lengths, it can also lead to certain forms of mental illness, specifically Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or any other disorder which falls under that category, for example, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Anxiety and worry are very closely related, and this is something Charles Linden often points out. (Charles Linden offers great advice to all those suffering from GAD, OCD or Panic Disorder. Google his name if you need to!) The moment we allow ourselves to sit down and begin to think, or allow thoughts to roam in our minds, worry automatically spawns. That is why we:


Getting busy heals our mind in a certain, unique way. I already said that worry has to do with the subconscious part of the mind. When we get busy, we allow ONLY the CONSCIOUS part of our mind to operate. This means that with only the conscious mind operating, we no longer give attention to the subconscious part of the mind. By doing that, we allow the subconscious part of the mind to have the rest IT NEEDS. If we constantly worry, or in other words, use all of our subconscious energy, we wear the subconscious down, allowing it no time to be able to heal. However, if we keep working and remain in a state of 'being busy', we use only the conscious part of our minds; thus, we allow the subconscious mind the rest that it deserves. OSHO, the great Indian philosopher mentioned: We need to be able to operate on the space in between thoughts. When we worry, we focus on certain thoughts which make us sad and mad. On the other hand, if we keep our minds and bodies in a state of action, we are allowed to work in the space BETWEEN thoughts. This allows our subconscious to rest. So this is the strange paradox of life we have to learn to accept:

When we remain busy throughout the WHOLE day, we are able to have a good night's sleep. By working throughout the whole day, we are able to attain that peace of mind we all deserve.

Most definitely, this is not easy at all. It requires extreme perseverance and strength to be able to carry this out: Working the whole day. But maybe this is an integral part of human nature. We can't attain peace of mind unless we work. Peace of mind never just comes on its own; it is earned! So basically, if there are duties that are needed to be taken care of throughout the day, make sure you don't put your head on the pillow of your bed, until you've completed them. If we do place our heads on the pillows before we get our tasks done, we won't be able to get sleep in the first place! To repeat:

Peace of mind is only gained after one has worked. There is no other way to earn it. 

All in all, we can learn that, getting busy conquers worry!

Saturday, 14 March 2015

How Forgiving Others Heals Us

Forgiveness and Letting Go are the two things which allow one inner peace.

Whenever we reflect back on our lives with a grudge, every new day becomes a nightmare. We keep remembering all the times when someone has done us wrong, and then we go into a cycle of endless hatred. Hatred, although it may seem necessary sometimes, can lead to the demise of a soul and spirit. It is what drives us to the destructive ideas of vengeance and violence. Besides hatred, there is jealousy, envy, and wishing ill upon others. Although doing such things may bring you some sort of contentment, it still also brings darkness upon your emotion and desire to improve. The two things that could heal this are:

Forgiving And Letting Go:

There are some people who we are REALLY pissed off at. Sometimes we may even lay awake at night, holding this grudge towards them. The thought of that person never leaves us. Yet, we can always learn to let go. It is hard, that's true, but not impossible. Holding a grudge is like holding a knife at the back of your throat. There are some days when removing that knife seems impossible, and we continue to wish ill upon that person. But forgiving that person, no matter what he/she has done to you, is the only thing that will help you move forward. Not forgiving keeps you trapped in the same situation. Nothing will get better, nothing at all. Forgiving means saying to that person, "you know what? You destroyed my life. But that was before. Now, I am a new person. Because of you, I have been made stronger!"

Many times, the memory of that person or being never leaves us. He/she remains ingrained in our thoughts, and everything seems to shine their reflection. Yet that is mainly because we refuse to forgive. Forgiving is not only to ease the troubles of that person who has wronged us, but also to remove that pain from us ourselves! In my case, there were MANY people who have wronged me. And I myself have wronged others. And in those times in which I've wronged others, I did whatever I can to apologize. Sometimes we lose sight of what's right or wise and end up doing stupid things. And that is also the case with those people who have wronged you. Without forgiveness, everyone on Earth would be dead by now. That is true! Why? Because if everyone sought vengeance from all those who have wronged them, then blood would run free on the streets.

Forgiving is not only something which relates to deeper emotions. It can be related to the very small things in life. This could be related to when someone says sorry when he/she accidentally bumps into another on the street. If that person didn't say sorry, and gave him/her that evil look, then the other person would feel crappy for the rest of the day!

Forgiving is what allows the possibility of peace.
On the other hand, we have letting go. Letting go is basically the process when every nerve in our body just gives in to the surroundings. But that could never happen unless we forgive first. Holding grudges is what keeps our nervous system always alert, sometimes even thirsting for trouble. The moment we forgive, we are able to let go. And letting go is the most beautiful gift anyone can achieve. It means unloading one self from all the negativity existing within oneself. 

Sometimes the negativity in us goes on and on. It swirls in our minds like a never ending cycle. Although, when one forgives, he is able to let go. And when one lets go, he is able to face the world again, as a new person. Letting go basically means being born again into a newer human being. A human whereby you aren't limited by the negative emotion of hatred, in which you can go throughout your days, knowing you have conquered something. You have conquered the essence of your own spirit. 

There are other times when we just look at the night sky, and begin to wonder where everything went wrong. But that's mainly because we've been so hurt by people we've met, and we begin to feel as though we're descending while they're ascending. The key to this problem, is to not care! We have been given a life to live, regardless of all the hatred and darkness within us. It is possible to move beyond that point of grief and misery. Although, the greatest tool one may harness, is that of perseverance. What happens today may not happen tomorrow. The darkness of yesterday can be soothed the light of tomorrow's sun. 

Forgiving leads to letting go; And letting go leads to the healing of oneself.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Why Only The Present Matters

The greatest truth, is that the present is all that matters. 

The present is when any difference can be made. This very second, technically, is all that exists. I find it quite impossible to even prove the existence of the future or the past. The only thing we can prove to spatially exist is what we sense at this moment. You ought to think of the past and future as only mirages and illusions. Sure, it seems as though they exist. But concretely, do they really? And even though they did, would they matter?

The Past:

The past consists of all memories, good and bad. Of course, there is nothing wrong with the good memories. Remembering what good happened in our lives, is definitely a beautiful nostalgic experience. Yet unfortunately, the past also includes everything horrid that happened in our lives. It consists of all our failures, regrets, and sometimes even, traumatic memories. Although remembering the good parts of the past may be spiritually satisfying, it is the bad memories you should be worried about. When you weigh out the pros and cons of both the good and bad memories, the cons of the bad memories outweigh the pros of the good ones. At least, for many people, it is that way. Why is that true though? Because there is a con in the remembrance of the past that outweighs all pros:

The Past Doesn't Matter. It Never Accomplishes Anything For Us. The Past Is A Prison. The Remembrance Of The Past Won't Get Us Anywhere.It Keeps Us Away From The Only Time A Difference Can Be Made: The Present.

The Future:

On the other hand, we have the future. There is nothing wrong with imagining what the future can be like for us, provided that we put in all the hard work. It consists of everything we dream of accomplishing. In a general sense, there is nothing wrong with that, right? Is there nothing wrong with dreaming about achievements in the future? Wrong Again! Although there is nothing wrong with setting goals for the future, it is still very stifling. Why? It's because many people set SO many goals for the future, that they lose hold of the present. You place dream after dream projected into the future, wishing and daydreaming about them throughout the whole day. And while you dream about them the whole day, you don't get anything done! Why? Because the only time we can get anywhere, is in the present. So:

The Future Doesn't Matter. It Is A Mirage Of Dreams And Expectations. There's No Need To Worry About It, As It Will Come Soon Enough, As Einstein Said. The Future Is An Illusion Thrown From The Present To The Time Ahead.It Will Elude Us From The Only Time We Can Achieve Anything: The Present. 

The Present:

Finally, we come to the present. This is the golden prize of all things made possible. Now, it is understandable that the future and the past become SO compelling for us to think about. Sometimes, whenever there is some leisure moment in your life, you drift off either ahead or backward. There is a solution for this. Live day to day. Pretend that you are in the cage of today. Pretend that your whole life is confined to today. I'm not going to say 'this moment', because it's kind of hard to ALWAYS keep your attention on this specific moment. To make it more doable, keep all your attention to the current day in which you are living. Say the following phrases to yourself:

1) Today is the only day which my mind is set to. I am trapped in today. My mind will not venture to tomorrow or yesterday.2) That being said, what are the tasks which I have to perform today?3) What are the things I can do today, which is the only day that really exists? What can I do today, that can bring me closer to my goals, even though I get just a bit closer?

Monday, 9 March 2015

The Needed Qualities For A Depressed Person

Depression definitely sucks, BIG TIME. It can lead to the spiritual demise of any human being. Without a doubt, millions of people are dealing with it as I speak. 

Sometimes, it feels as though you're stuck in that warp hole of misery, until the end of your life. I know that sounds quite melancholic, but it is that way to many people. You begin to feel as though you're cursed with something. It's as though there's a voice in their head constantly ranting, "You aren't good enough!" Despite all such voices that may lurk in your mind, it all just isn't true. The whole thing is an illusion. And since you're stuck in that depression, the illusion seems real. 

Sometimes you wish that your life would end. Other times you choose to continue on living life, even though it all seems like nothing but a giant nightmare. Most of the times, you try to shake it all off, but the depression clings to you as though it owned you. It seems to be a never ending black hole, taking you deeper down into darkness. And then at rock bottom, you realize you can still sink.

Although, redemption is ALWAYS possible!
Yet the best thing we can all do, all the time, is carry on. 
There is no louder voice, than the sound of perseverance. 
Think of the strength of Spartans. I'm not sure if you watched the movie "300". Just really put your mind to it. If Leonidas had the courage and strength within him to muster up only an amount of 300 soldiers, to fight off thousands upon thousands of his enemies, then all of us do carry that same strength! You just have to look inside yourself for it. For ages and ages, men from all over different societies stood up to everyone around them. They felt all alone, and secluded. Yet, they still carried the strength to carry on. We all carry that same strength. And when it comes to that strength, depression doesn't stand a chance. 

Even though we have to crawl away from the Gates of Hell, we still crawl.

Depression is mainly triggered when one does not realize his abilities. Yet it is very easy to do so! The only ability you really have to realize and tap into, is the unbound strength we are all given as human beings. The human heart can conquer everything. And even though depression seems like SUCH AN OBSTACLE, it can be overcome. All it needs is the right mindset. The right mindset is more important than all the medications you may take. Sure, the medications are important, but without the right mindset, you won't be getting anywhere. Such a mindset is developed by certain qualities, marked by specific words.




Simple mantras like these, can really be a life saver.

I know this will sound way over the edge, but this is what I believe:
I firmly believe, that even when one is in the lowest layer of Hell, he still has a chance to be redeemed, some how, and some way. The element of hope is INDESTRUCTABLE, no matter how nonexistent it may seem.

With Love,

John Joy :D

Saturday, 7 March 2015

How Can We Receive What We Deserve?

We live in a world where everyone takes. Many of us don't want to give. Yet no one can be blamed. This is the kind of a world we were raised in, a consumerist society. Everywhere we look, we see corporation after corporation of buildings and skyscrapers which all have the same main goal, to lure customers into buying. There is nothing wrong with that. Although, as a humanity, we seem to have forgotten that the only way to receive something worth having, is by being totally selfless, in the process of giving.

It's something about giving, that immediately offers you something in return. That something, is a deeper sense of happiness that can't really be explained. The universe itself, almost, returns the favor immediately, by putting this idea in your head: "You know what? I've made a difference." So many people these days are living on welfare, or sometimes unfortunately, begging on the streets. They were never to blame, and neither are we. There has always been this saying that "Love can change the world." It was never the case that we are greedy in nature, no. The society and surroundings in which we are placed, sort of conditions us to be so.

The Two Mindsets Are That Of Taking And Giving

The Mindset Of Taking:

Let's say there is someone named Harry. All Harry ever wanted was to succeed. He would do whatever it takes to be above others, only for the sake of one day, standing atop his owned building and company, to feel higher than the rest of man. In the process of doing so, he was always willing to leech on others in the process, as though they were stepping stones, and in the process of shoving people below him, he arose in social ranks. Even though he was getting everything he could have wanted, he still felt this negative swarm of energy inside him. He couldn't understand it. Why was he feeling pain? He got everything he wanted!

This could be explained that all humans are connected. Not necessarily telepathically, but in the sense that our interactions defines us as a human race. If everyone acts only with the mindset of self-preservation (which really is the Devil's favorite mode of thinking and mindset!), humanity itself disconnects from one another. Everyone begins only to think for himself. And thus the whole idea of a Darwinian society be puts into place. I'm not saying that evolution isn't true. But the side of the Darwinian ideology that will be true, is that everyone adapts the mindset of 'survival of the fittest'. Even though there are aspects of us that are similar to animals, in the end, there are SO many qualities of human beings that are SO different from animal behavior. There has always been something deeply distinct in humans. It's the ability of imagination and transcending our own reality. Yet sometimes, imagination can be dangerous. It can be used as a means to imagining how one's life can be more successful, higher, and triumphant over other humans. Although, the one true thing that connects humans, is giving. Why? Because giving expresses love.

Harry gets everything he wanted. He gets that high status job, and achieves everything he wanted to be. But in the process of doing so, there are so many times he's lied. There are so many times in which he had to deceive person after person, for the result of getting what he wanted. So many people hated him for that, and began to express enmity towards him, for his lack of humanity. He had all the money, and better yet, the fame. While in his office on that high ranking building, even though he had enough money to supply him for two of his own lifetimes, he still feels this deepened sense of sadness. The riches of a thousand men is in his hands, and still he has nightmares every night before he sleeps. Why? Because his memory haunts him. His memory reminds him of every single time, he had to trick others, to lure other people to their demise, only so that he could gain all the rewards and wealth he would've dreamed of. And in the end, even though he gained every single worldly achievement, when he was on his death bed, he had never felt so lonely in his entire life.

The mindset of giving:

Now let's say there's a person named Tony. Tony never had much in his life. Yet whenever he'd go to sleep at night, he'd have the best dreams ever. Paulo Coelho said that dreams are the language of God. Maybe that was God's way of telling him, "I am pleased with you. You are a good man." Whenever Tony would have any a lot of wealth, the first thing he would do is go to the nearest trusted charity company, and give all that he has in excess. He knew that in this great world, he was insignificant, and not helping others would just mean that he was full of pride, ego, and self-importance. Always a kind man, he got hurt the most. It's always true that those who are good and virtuous get hurt the most, because whenever someone would speak ill of them, they would respond with silence. Yet even though such people get hurt, this kind of hurt is natural to them. They know that getting hurt in such situations is just another way of getting closer to the universe and/or God. 

Tony never had much. He was a poor man when it came to wealth. But when it came to spiritual riches, he was full of them. Self-preservation was always the last of his goals. There was this ancient wisdom, that those who are in a state of nothingness, are actually closer to God. Humility and moderation separate he who is good from he who is evil. Even though he didn't have all the treasures and money he may have wanted, still, whenever he would go to the beach and watch the water waves crashing by the shore, he knew that he had found himself. Despite the fact that he was hungry at that time, his mind was satisfied. The only memories he had in his mind, were the countless memories of him giving, supporting, and expressing love to his fellow human beings. He never did any of those things for the reward of Heaven in the afterlife, no. Rather, he did all of those things because in the process of giving, he was able to build his own Heaven here on Earth. 

In the process of giving, Tony realized that he received everything his soul needed, rather than what his physical desires wanted. He attained what we would come to know, as Nirvana. Although his job didn't allow him to own the latest fancy car, or to own the most vast mansions, he realizes that he had already achieved everything he'd ever wanted: Spiritual Peace and Enlightenment. Why? Because his whole life consisted of getting anything he worked for, and thus deserved, and then, giving everything he had to the rest of his fellow human beings. On his death bed, his family and friends greet him with open hearts, and keep reminding him that while he's gone, they're going to take care of one another, and spread the legacy of the words of his heart. 

In conclusion, what connects us all is giving. And since giving is the same thing is love, then love is what connects us. The world has gone through enough depression and spiritual demise. Everyone goes around pursuing all the riches of the world, when they forget to attain the riches contained in their souls. It was always something about giving, that immediately gives your soul something in return. It gives your soul substance. It gives everyone around you, a hope for a better tomorrow. 

In order to receive, you have to give.

With love,
John Joy :D

Fight Club: A Method In The Madness?

"Tyler gets me a job as a waiter, after that he's pushing a gun in my mouth and saying, the first step to eternal life is you have to die."

I love how +Chuck Palahniuk started that book!

Is it possible to derive something positive from this novel?

It is very agreeable the Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club is a rather dark novel. The novel contains elements which has the reader completely shocked by the amount of blood spilling, violence and hatred contained within the book. Now, one would start to ask, "How can anything positive come out of such a dark novel? It's surely impossible!" I've always found that you can make a positive out of anything. No matter how dark and vile something is, you can always flip it somehow, to your advantage.

The overall plot of the book has to do with the narrator having felt the need to transcend the consumerist society he lived in. He kept commenting on how people work harder and harder, only to buy things that they never need. The misery embedded in the narrator was so great, due to the 'asleep' society he was living in, and all the pain was magnified by his severe insomnia. And from all of such darkness he saw in the world, he had to find a way out of it.

He joined various support groups which were linked to medical diseases, such as cancer, meningitis, and so on. Even though he didn't have ANY of those diseases, he still went to them. Why? He wanted to feel belonged. He wanted to get hugged. He wanted to feel love, even though if it was from a stranger. But mainly, he did all of that for the sake of healing his insomnia. It all did help. Although, he ended up meeting a very strange person named +Tyler Durden. After various, peculiar events in the narrators life, they ended up forming a destructive cult.

He started a Fight Club. And from such an underground cult-like gathering of people, he claimed to achieve enlightenment. The narrator said that it's something about getting pounded in the face, having your whole body worn out and weary, that brings you closer to mental transcendence. This brings us to the question: Is there a method in the madness?

What We Can Learn:

Now obviously, I'm not telling you to self-destruct, get pounded in the face or drive a car while flooring the gas pedal to the max. And most definitely not, starting some form of a 'Project Mayhem'. What is interesting though, is that we can direct the philosophy of Fight Club to our own benefit. One of the rules of Fight Club is that the FIGHT DOES NOT END UNTIL YOU GO LIMP! Now that's kind of a scary rule. How much beating does one have to endure, to achieve some sort of elation? After several sessions in the Fight Club, the narrator compared him to enlightened masters such as Krishna and Buddha. This brings us back to the possibility, that maybe with having our bodies go to failure, can we almost be 'reborn' after our bodies gain time to recover. So how are we going to do this, in a HEALTHY way?

If we take all what we learnt here, and apply it to healthy situations, it may reap us great, positive results. What we take from fight club is doing something to the very end. What we take, is pushing all limits until you achieve your goals. We shouldn't take the physical aspects of Fight Club, OBVIOUSLY, but rather the concept behind it. It's all about realizing what your new maximum can be.

The main example would have to do with our goals and dreams. We work towards it until our bodies go limp, but we still move forward. It's never wrong to cry, laugh, shout and smile moving towards our vision. When it comes to the main philosophy behind Fight Club, it means that when it comes to dreams, we have to push ALL LIMITS. Realizing new heights, and understanding that what we thought was our maximum can actually be our minimum, are what separate us from that success we all work for. It was never about constructing a Project Mayhem to destroy civilization, no. It was always about making your life itself a Project Mayhem, where you change the world with constructive dreams, even though some people will be displeased. It's about not denying who you really are. This is about experiencing new things everyday, and coming to the conclusion that no matter how much we think we have life figured out, there's always more to learn. No matter how wise or smart we may be, there are still confines we haven't pushed aside, and there are still restraints we haven't let go of. This is not a Project Mayhem of destroying the world, but a Project Mayhem of destroying the darkness that exists inside you.

Another example would be GOING TO THE GYM! And when you do go to the gym, pretend that you're at fight club. Except, don't get your body limp by punching others at the gym (obviously), but rather work out and work out and work out, until your muscles go to failure. I'm not saying that you should tear your muscles. I'm just saying, don't go to the gym, lift light weights, finish quickly, and get out of there. You need to work on all your muscles as though you are in a fight. You push yourself more and more, until your whole body feels weary. The more you weary out your body, the more awakened, refreshed, and enlightened you'll feel when you wake up the next morning.

All in all, one must learn to fight until he dies. The minute we stop fighting, we stop learning and growing. The minute we stop fighting for life, is the minute we forget what makes us human. 

Friday, 6 March 2015

Healing Mental Illness Through Full Expression

Mental illness has always had solutions higher than any medication one can think about. Although medications are important, there are other alternative methods which bring even better results. These methods are directly linked to EXPRESSION. It can be easily deduced that most mental illness has to do with repressing emotions which ought to come out. And because of repressing them, these emotions boil as steam into maddening thoughts, which keep you up at night. Two types of these practices, which can relieve this pain, are: 
1) Art
2) Writing a journal


When someone who is diagnosed with a certain type of mental illness, he goes through his whole life wondering what he could do to heal himself. Although psychiatrists and therapy do help, they still realize that the overall problem, is only solved up to around 30%. There will always be that large portion inside them that is still not healed. They feel that some scars can never be soothed. But it can be noted, that all of such horrifying and petrified feelings and thoughts, comes from a fear of the expression of who you really are. Since you can't express it out in the open in a dangerous way, such as breaking things or shouting at someone, there has to be a better and more healthy medium. 

Out of all things which marks true expression, art will always be at the top. If you are dealing with such issues, find a practice of art which really does appeal to you. It can be poetry, novel writing, painting, composing music, and even singing. You need to find a medium in which to transform these scars within you to something beautiful. Art has always had its miraculous way of transforming the pain inside you into something magnificent.

So many artists in history claimed that they dealt with a form of mental illness, and added, that the only thing which helped was artistic expression. They realized that although the pain inside them was extreme, they could convert it into something else, something which becomes surprisingly beautiful. The best thing one can do, is to learn the lessons which echo from the past. 

Once you find an art in which to express all the horrors, and beauties, in your heart and soul, keep doing it. And make it like some sort of ritual, even though that sounds kind of strange. If the time is, say, 10:00 PM, say to yourself, "For the next 30 minutes, I'm going to focus ONLY on my art, and put what is exactly on my heart and mind unto my work." Let all the distorted thoughts and broken memories flow on your artistic work. Don't be afraid to go too far with it. You don't necessarily have to share it with anyone else. If you feel that there is a work which you are comfortable with sharing, then do so. But regardless, remember that you are doing all of this for yourself.
Writing a Journal:

If art doesn't seem to do the job properly, try writing and keeping a journal. Sometimes with art, you can't fully express everything in your heart, because art is usually something you might share with others. And because of that, you may refrain from expressing every last emotion. However, a journal is completely and only for you, all the time. 

When one writes a journal, he feels absolutely no boundaries when writing. The reason why a journal can be very helpful, is because although you'd love to express what's inside you, you can't, because you're always afraid that very deep emotions can greatly bother others. That's why, we keep troubled and scarred emotions to ourselves most of the time. However, with writing a journal, you are given that open window to pour everything down, no matter how dark of melancholic your thoughts may be. 

Again, treat such a practice in the sense that it's a scheduled event in your routine. If it's say, 10:00 PM, say to yourself, "For the next 30 minutes, I am going to POUR every thing that's bothering me unto this journal, and absolutely nothing is going to hold me back. I'm going to spill every hurt and damaged emotion on it, until I feel my spirit and soul healed." This may sound too extreme, but that's what it's all about. This is all about putting all extreme emotions down on paper, so that you can channel out all negativity on a medium.

Let all the darkness out. Stream and channel all of it on your journal. Look for that harmony, that space between your thoughts, when you let all the darkness flow from your mind, to your pencil, to your paper. For 30 minutes every day, or every other day, when things get dark, become one with the darkness, only to let go of it with the use of your pen. 

In conclusion, always look for methods to bring healing to your condition beyond the advice of your psychiatrist. Don't get me wrong. Take every advice of your medical practitioner in order to lead a better life. But in the end, EVERYONE is different. What works for others may not work for you. Although the contents of this post may not apply to you, give it a try. I'm not insisting that this is the BEST way, for this is only a suggestion. Look everywhere for solutions. Never give in, and a light will eventually show up. 

Why Suicide Is Never The Only Way Out

Sometimes, it seems as though suicide is just the only way out. You look for ways upon ways to get out of this mess, but you could just never find a light. When all emotions spell pure negativity, so your actions become negative, and your behavior, and thus your thoughts. There are people out there, that have gone so depressed, that sometimes wherever they look, they imagine ways in which to kill themselves. This is a very serious issue, affecting thousands, if not millions, of lives around the world.

What usually triggers the desire for suicide is not only depression, but also failure in life. Some people are expected to do so many things, and achieve none of those goals. It's as though all those around us are looking at us in a way where they silently say, "You don't belong here." Going through their lives in this mode of self-defeat, they begin to wonder whether life even has value.

But remember what Bob Marley said, "If you know what life is worth, you would look for yours on Earth!"

There are some instances when people would actually begin to plan their suicide. But then they feel trapped because they are afraid of what might happen to the emotions of their families if they decide to end it all. They want to end it, but can't. There is much to risk with suicide. And then they begin to feel fully and utterly trapped in their own body. And without a doubt, that is a horrible feeling.

But there's always a lesson to be learned. It is true that depression is one of the main causes of the desire to suicide. However, the main trigger of depression itself is failure. Failure leads to depression and thus to suicide. Although, if we really think about it, is great success, and absolutely no failure, so incredibly necessary? I don't think so.

To Hell with being successful and famous, making ton loads of money. To Hell with being everything, absolutely, everything you wished to be. Those dreams which project your mind so far into the future, is what's driving you mad. You shouldn't look at the mirror and tell yourself that you're nothing, because you haven't achieved X and Y and Z. Success and major achievements never does bring one happiness. Of course, there are kinds of success which do. However, the kind of successes which are based on day dreaming day in and day out shouldn't be causing you grief, because you can't achieve them. On the contrary, such dreams should make you happy, regardless of whether you achieve them or not. Those dreams weren't put there for you to achieve fame, greatness, respect and loyalty from your 'fans' or 'supporters'. No. The reason God gives us those dreams, is so that when we achieve them, we use the power we obtain from success for the sake of HELPING others! That is the true reason behind all dreams. If you think of it that way, you wouldn't care about the self-gain achieved from reaching your dreams. You would only care about how achieving that dream would allow you to aid others in their lives.

So basically, if the only dreams worth pursuing are those in which you help others, then let that be as a stepping stone for you to look at things differently! Look back at your own life and say, since my main goal is to aid the rest of humanity, then I will go about healing myself. And in that process of healing myself, I will cure others of their depressions and ailments as well!

Suicide is fueled by depression and failure. The main condition of mental health is being able to contribute something to the world. But the moment you realize that the dreams that you should pursue are the ones in which you should offer blessings to others rather than yourself, you will gain realization after realization. We aim way too high, in the hopes that we would gain everything for ourselves, and when we don't achieve the goals, we fall in self-defeat. Who knows? Maybe that's God's way of showing you another path in life. A path of selflessness.

The moment you become completely and fully selfless, is the moment that what you offer to the world, will heal you in return. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you are selfish. I'm not. But what I'm saying, is that the environment and society in which you live in conditioned you to be so. You're not to blame. Everyone keeps telling you to achieve this, to do that, to abide by these and those rules. And then you follow everything they tell you, even though you see no point in it. People push you to do things which will benefit only you. And then when you fail to achieve them, and are not able to get what you yourself want, you begin to blame yourself.

To Hell with achievement and those high prizes and rewards! Who cares? You see, while I'm writing this, knowing that I may be lending a hand to those in need, I, personally, am already feel better! There is a magic in giving. Happiness doesn't come from getting the things you want in the world, so you can own a mountain of gold and money in your backyard. The key to happiness is giving. Giving heals you.

Whenever you feel that suicide is the only way, remember, that failure is natural. Failure is God's way of showing you another path. And things never come easy. God never put us on this world to become the greatest beings who ever lived. He put us in this life to enjoy it, and to help those in need.

Giving something to the world doesn't mean you have to get a Ph.D in medical studies, and inventing a cure for cancer. It's not that at all. Giving is SO simple. Giving is the greatest of all healers. Go up to your mother and give her a hug. Joke around with your little siblings. Go out with friends and enjoy all moments in life.

If failure is bothering you, it's important to know, that all true success comes naturally, while living life! Success can't come while enclosing ourselves to a confined area, and wondering how to get out. Don't EVEN worry about success. It comes on its own. Don't fret over failures. They heal with time. Success comes naturally, through the process of living life, by going out with friends, joking around, giving to charity, going on a road trip with friends, and making those you love smile. When your mind gets used to this mode of perception, you, on your own, will have life itself naturally drive you to success. Instead of you fretting over it, you will be naturally driven towards it.

I know that sometimes suicide may seem so compelling. But you have to learn to be apathetic to failures in your life. Just go with the breeze. Do things that make you happy, without expecting anything in return. Remember, there is no stronger sound, than the voice of perseverance.

Perseverance and patience, will be, no matter what, stronger than all the depression and darkness in the world. They will ALWAYS be stronger. Sometimes you may begin to feel that suicide is the ONLY way out. Well it's NOT! The voice of perseverance will always ring harder. WE WERE MADE TO SURVIVE! We have to push through difficulties, move on, develop new thoughts, and adapt, as best as we can, to changes in our lives.

The greatest truth behind light and darkness in my opinion, is this: There may be an entire room, or hall, which so FILLED with darkness. And then there's a candle in the middle of the room, that lights up with its tiny spark. We may begin to ask, which is stronger? The vast darkness or that tiny light? The answer is simple: The light is stronger! Why? Because darkness contains no energy. Light does. If a candle was in the middle of an infinite space of darkness, the little fire from the candle burns brighter. You must hold on to it with all your strength, until God, or the universe, shows you your destiny and fate. 

Remember, all of what was said here, was merely a supplement to you getting better. If things get REALLY bad with you, there is no shame in seeing a psychiatrist or medical practitioner. Anti depressants tend to really ease one's way out of severe depression. 

Quote Of The Day

Quote Of The Day
For Inspiration